THE KEY - Mathematics 8 Alberta


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THE KEY Study Guide for Mathematics 8 is specifically designed to assist students to prepare for quizzes, unit tests, and final exams throughout the year. It is 100% aligned with the Alberta curriculum and covers the following topics:

  • Number

  • Patterns and Relations

  • Shape and Space

  • Statistics and Probability

Each unit includes essential teaching pieces, practice questions, unit tests, answers, and detailed solutions. Challenger Questions provide students difficult questions that test their depth of knowledge. The complete solutions show problem-solving methods, explain key concepts and highlight potential errors. The resource is ideal for yearlong use by students, teachers, and parents at home or at school.

A Table of Correlations at the beginning of each unit identifies the curriculum outcomes for the unit as well as the multiple-choice and numerical-response questions that specifically test those concepts. To help students understand the curriculum, THE KEY provides explanations for key concepts at the beginning of each unit and practice questions. One complete practice test is included in THE KEY. Students may use it to become familiar with provincial exam format and rigour. Detailed solutions are provided for all questions. Solutions show the processes and ideas used in arriving at the correct answers and may help students gain a better understanding of the concepts being tested.

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